Student Affairs & Services

The Student Affairs and Services (SAS) serves as the center of all student services, information and activities which aims to develop the individual student socially, intellectually, physically, morally, and spiritually. Its thrusts include positive discipline through social empowerment and cooperative living/learning development of student leaders for school and community responsibility.
The SAS shall become a model center for student programs and services, supportive of all co-curricular and extra-curricular needs essential for values education and citizenship training.
The SAS shall assist the student to use his potential and endowment to develop social and personal values imperative to make him become a well-rounded and productive citizen. The student, therefore, involves himself in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the University that provide opportunities for his personality development and character formation.
The SAS shall primarily promote a code of conduct for an academic community that leads the students to imbibe and respond to the University’s vision, mission, core values, and goals.
It shall be able to:
Provide programs that will enhance the students’ personal, intellectual, moral, physical, social, and spiritual development;
Assist students in their choice of career and life goals;
Provide housing facilities/services that shall enhance better habits and attitudes, and restore values of healthy living and efficient home management at reasonable cost;
Provide financial assistance to deserving students;
Provide activities designed for the students’ wise use of leisure time, development of sportsmanship, and personality and sociability; and
Provide opportunities for students’ involvement in the promotion of progressive nationalism and patriotism, leadership, and citizenship.
To initiate and maintain specific programs that enhance the students’ personal and social development;
To provide opportunities for students to actively participate in campus organizations and functions that will train them to become leaders; and
To offer programs and services in the area of welfare, control, and development functions.

Angel L. Genato IV
Director, Student Affairs & Services

Jerwin P. Memita
Department Chairperson, Student Welfare Programs & Services

Jonathan P. Pasion
Department Chairperson, Student Development Programs & Services Unit Head, Student Discipline

Maria Rousselle G. Jandoc
Department Chairperson, Guidance & Counselling
Unit Head, Counselling

Gail G. Gumilet
Unit Head, Information & Orientation

Katrine Angela A. Tucay
Unit Head, Economic Enterprise Development

Lhea T. Castro
Unit Head, Student Insurance & Mutual Aid

Dongpan Crusaldo P. Oligario
Unit Head, Student Organization & Activities

Daisybelle K. Pilas
Unit Head, Yearbook Development

Jacqueline V. Iglesias
Unit Head, Appraisal

Ching-Ching D. Guzman