NVSU College of Engineering Electrifies with Electrical Engineering Graduates
Nueva Vizcaya State University’s College of Engineering has once again produce a new wave of skilled Electrical Engineers. The result of the Registered Electrical Engineer (REE) Licensure Examination, conducted on September 2-3, 2023 at various testing centers, have been released by the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC).
The newly registered electrical engineers achieved an overall passing rate of 33.33% surpassing the national passing rate of 30%. This remarkable accomplishment stands as a testament to the unwavering dedication and relentless hard work demonstrated by both the students and the faculty of the College of Engineering particularly the Electrical Engineering department. Among the new electrical engineers who have now join the roster of electrical engineering professionals from this university are Engr. Rodney Villanueva Godoy, Engr. Volter Caasi Molintas, and Engr. V-jay Balansay Llantada. Meanwhile, Mr. Nomar Hangdaan Dadhoc and Mr. Niczon Asis Sibalon, graduates from the College of Industrial Technology both passed the Registered Master Electricians (RME) Board Examination.
To the passers, congratulations! Your accomplishments bear witness to your unwavering devotion, unyielding determination, and indomitable spirit. You have not only brought pride to yourselves, but you have also raised the status of Nueva Vizcaya State University to new heights.