Selected CAS Studes, Teachers Heighten Voter Awareness, Gender Sensitivity through 2024 Youth Forum
As the 2025 elections draw closer, selected students and faculty members of the College of Arts and Sciences listened to a lecture on voter awareness and gender sensitivity delivered at the 2024 Youth Forum today, Sept. 23, 2024, in the Library Reading Room, Bayombong Campus.
The youth forum, dubbed "Sulong Kabataan: Youth Forum on Voter Awareness and Gender Sensitivity," kickstarted the 45th Founding Anniversary of the college, which began this week.
This first-ever campaign activity aimed to raise awareness among voters in the academe, along with topics on political rights, democracy, and gender development and sensitivity.
It was an initiative undertaken by the CAS Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, led by Dr. Gydabelle M. Celestino, the department chairperson, in partnership with the Office of the Election Officer, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.
Key leaders of the collaborating institutions graced the event and noted important reminders regarding the voting process and how the right to vote is fundamental in shaping the future of the country.
Atty. Wilma Binbinon, known for her extensive knowledge and experience in the legal profession and public service, was invited to be the esteemed resource speaker.
The COMELEC team was comprised of Atty. Ederlino Tabilas, director of COMELEC Region II; Mr. Jerbee Anthony Cortez, assistant regional director; Atty. Abraham Asuncion, provincial election supervisor; and Atty. Geoffrey Angelo Noscal, election officer of Solano; and other election officers of Nueva Vizcaya.
On the other hand, Dr. Wilfredo A. Dumale, Jr., the university president, challenged the young audience to be wise in choosing the next leaders. He reiterated to the participants the need to look beyond politicians' outward appearances and not to forget the fundamental role the youth sector plays in bringing positive changes to our society.
Dr. Lori Shayne A. Busa, the CAS dean, was also in attendance to thank the department for its efforts in organizing the event, as well as the COMELEC personnel for coming to the university to help educate and prepare the student voters for the upcoming polls.