Follow Up Meeting on Accreditation
On August 9, 2023, The Office of Quality Assurance and Accreditation (QAA) held a follow-up meeting in the University Mini-Theater. The purpose of the meeting was to make the necessary preparations for the impending Program Accreditation Re-Survey on September 4-7, 2023, and to confirm that the program meets accreditation requirements. Meeting topics included quality assurance, compliance, documentation, and data analysis.
Dr. Carlo F. Vadil, Vice President for Planning, Development, and Information Systems, and Dr. Arvin P. Vallesteros, Campus Administrator of Bayombong Campus, were present at the meeting. Participants included deans from college with accredited programs, members of the Accreditation Review Committee, QAA staff, librarians, the technical support group, maintenance staff, the Documentation and Promotion unit, and PPSDS members. Sheryl Caroline B. Fontanilla, Director of the QAA, presided over the meeting.