Graduate School Bambang Welcomes New Students with Orientation Program
On Saturday, September 9, 2023, the Graduate School of Bambang campus organized an orientation program for the incoming students of the academic year 2023-2024, at the campus gymnasium.
The orientation program aimed to familiarize the new students with the campus facilities, academic policies, and support services available to them throughout their academic journey. It served as an essential introduction to their new educational environment and created a sense of belonging and camaraderie among the students.
The program began with a warm welcome address by the esteemed dean of the College of Teacher Education, Dr. Jenifer Raymond R. Tallungan. Highlighting the orientation were the words of challenge and inspirational message of Dr. Fitzgerald L. Fabelico, Bambang Campus Administrator, and Dr. Wilfredo A. Dumale, Jr., University president. They both emphasized the importance of embracing the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, while also encouraging active participation and engagement within the campus community.
During the orientation, Graduate School faculty members were introduced by the Program Chairs, Dr. Arcadia Alice T. Ordoñez, and Dr. Wilhemina C. Bullecer. Essential information about the curriculum, program requirements, and academic resources that would aid the students in their pursuit of academic excellence was discussed by Ramir R. Hongo, University Registrar, Evaliza D. Basconcillo, ICD Coordinator of the College of Teacher Education, and Dr. Lovella G. Velasco, former Chair of the Graduate School. Additionally, the orientation program featured interactive sessions and presentations on various student support services by Dr. Fernando C. Del Mundo, Jr., Campus Coordinator for Student Affairs and Services. These sessions aimed to ensure that the students were aware of the resources available to them and how they could make the most of their graduate school experience.
To conclude the orientation program, a question-and-answer session was held, allowing the students to seek clarification on any concerns or inquiries they may have had. The faculty and staff members were readily available to provide guidance and address any queries, ensuring that the students felt supported and valued.
Overall, the orientation program at the Graduate School of Bambang campus on Saturday, September 9, 2023, was a well-structured and informative event. It provided the new students with a comprehensive overview of the academic environment, resources, and support services available to them, setting the stage for a successful and fulfilling academic journey in the upcoming academic year.