NVSU, PLGU-Vizcaya, JFSB, RNP, seal MOU for bird conservation, preservation
The Nueva Vizcaya State University together with the Provincial Local Government Unit of Nueva Vizcaya, Japanese Society for the Preservation of Birds (JSPB), and Raptorwatch Network Philippines (RNP), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on February 15, 2024, aimed at intensifying the protection of birds, specifically the greyfaced buzzard (GFB).
In the MOU, NVSU, JFSB, and RNP, with legislative support from the provincial government, have committed to conducting a local summit with stakeholders to introduce the grey-faced buzzard, fostering a unified direction toward the protection and preservation of this species.
Present in the said signing are the officials of the PLGU-Nueva Vizcaya headed by Provincial Governor, Atty. Jose V. Gambito; NVSU officials, led by the University President Dr. Wilfredo A. Dumale, Jr.; Secretary General of JFSB, Mr. Takashi Fujii, Secretary General, representing JFSB Executive Director, Mr. Yoshihiro Natori; and RNP Director, Dir. Alex M. Tiongco.
Moreover, they will initiate preparations for the development of an ordinance or other legislation dedicated to the preservation and protection of the GFB.
The society's purpose is to protect wildlife, primarily birds, to promote their conservation, and to contribute to the preservation of biodiversity.
Further, the signing was held at the Office of the Provincial Governor, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.