NVSU Welcomes Dr. Odoi, Conducts International Seminar
With a dance by Ayug ken Tignay Performing Arts Group, the Nueva Vizcaya State University (NVSU) welcomed Dr. Agricola Odoi, visiting faculty from the University of Tennessee – Knoxville, and his family last May 29, 2024 at Administration Building, Nueva Vizcaya State University, Bayombong.
Dr. Odoi, Professor and Assistant Dean for Research and Graduate Studies of the University of Tennessee, was the mentor of Dr. Haidee E. Torio, Dean of the NVSU College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM), during her 4-month training under the United States Department of Agriculture-Faculty Exchange Program (USDA-FEP) at The University of Tennessee last year. The USDA-FEP included the follow-up visit of the US professors to their mentees.
After welcoming them with a dance in front of the administration building, they paid a courtesy call to Dr. Wilfredo A. Dumale, Jr., NVSU president. After which, they proceeded to the Function Hall of the Administration Building for the Opening Program that started with a prayer led by Dr. Jun-Jun C. Pabilin, NVSU CVM Department Chair of Paraclincial Sciences. After the singing of the Nation Anthem and Vizcaya Hymn, Dr. Arvin P. Vallesteros, Campus Administrator of Bayombong, shared his opening and welcome remarks. This was followed with a message from Dr. Dumale, Jr. wherein he also shared his impression during his time in Tennessee. Dr. Odoi also gave a short message afterwards and was followed with a video presenting the NVSU and a presentation of the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Program by Dr. Torio. The opening program ended with closing remarks by Atty. Regine G. Tabas, Director of the Office of Internation Affairs, and the singing of the NVSU Hymn.
In the afternoon, as part of Dr. Odoi’s Reciprocal Visit, he shared his insights on the topic “Does Where You Live Affect Your Health and the Health of Your Animals? Unveiling health Disparities” which was also streamed live at the official NVSU Facebook page and Zoom.