R & D team facilitates Pansindaramuan and Cooperative Development Center Writeshop for Research Advancement
The Research and Development Program, led by the Director, Dr. Jessie Pascual P. Bitog, and the team, successfully facilitated a writeshop for the Pansindaramuan Center and Cooperative Development Center. The activity aims to assist the faculty researchers in packaging the two centers’ strategic plans and future activities. It was held at NVSU Library's Audio-Visual Room in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya, following the initiative of the Bambang Campus Coordinator of Research Services, Dr. Mary Gay T. Aguila.
The office of the University President, Dr. Wilfredo A. Dumale, Jr., demonstrated its commitment to advancing research and development initiatives by establishing Technical Working Groups (TWGs) for the Pansindaramuan Center and Center for Cooperative Development with carefully selected faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Teacher Education, and College of Industrial Technology, all based in Bambang Campus. The main objective of these TWGs is to contribute to the university's strategic plans and programs by crafting research proposals and fostering collaborations with funding agencies, and as a take-off, this writeshop was initiated.
The Pansindaramuan Center headed by the Chairperson, Dr. Gerardo S, Ibasco, Jr., is a platform for indigenous knowledge and culture represented by its Isinay term meaning "meeting place," holds a significant role in studying indigenous peoples and their dynamic integration with the youth. On the other hand, the Center for Cooperative Development headed by the Chairperson, Dr. Serapio O. Castriciones, plays a crucial part in promoting local cooperative initiatives and extending their outreach activities by assisting different barangays in establishing cooperatives.