Performance of Broiler Chickens Fed Diets With Different Levels of Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana Linn.) Rind Powder
Mangosteen is a tropical fruit known to have therapeutic and medicinal properties. The beneficial effects of mangosteen include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antiviral, antidiabetic, nerve, blood, digestive and cardiovascular functions. The general objective of the study is to determine the performance of broiler chickens fed diets with different levels of mangosteen rind powder. The study was conducted in a Completely Randomized Design. A total of one hundred (100) birds for study 1 and eighty (80) day old chicks for study 2 were randomly distributed into five (5) different treatments namely T1 – basal diet (corn-soya based) control, T2 – basal diet + commercial antioxidant, T3 – basal diet + 33 g mangosteen rind powder (MRP)/ kg of feed, T4 – basal diet + 66 g of mangosteen rind powder/ kg of feed and T5 - 100 g of mangosteen rind powder/ kg of feed.
There were no significant differences observed in the final weight, total feed intake, total weight gain, feed conversion efficiency, dressing percentage, livability, production number and index of broilers fed with five treatment diets.
No significant differences were noted in the broiler’s cholesterol, HDL and LDL levels at day 14 fed diets with different levels of mangosteen rind powder. Meanwhile, triglycerides level at day 14 and day 28, cholesterol, HDL and LDL levels at day 28 showed significant differences among treatment means.
Weight of internal organs (heart, liver, and gizzard) relative to body weight (BW) showed no significant differences among treatment means for day 14 and day 28.
For the cost and return analysis, highest ROI (%) was obtained by the birds fed with commercial antioxidant at 49.89%. This was followed by the control group at 47.34%. Treatment with 66 g of MRP followed with 45.82%, then by treatment with 100 g of MRP at 43.90%. Lastly, the 33 g of MRP group had 40.06%.
Feeding broilers with diets with different levels of mangosteen rind powder have shown similar growth performance results of mangosteen rind powder and those fed with commercial antioxidants. Moreover, the results have shown that the 66 g of mangosteen rind powder and 100 g of mangosteen rind powder are capable of decreasing the amounts of triglycerides, increasing the amounts of HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) and reducing the levels of LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein).
Keywords: mangosteen rind powder, broiler chickens, growth performance, anatomical and metabolic effects
Citation (APA): Ele, J. J. G., Migalbin, J. R., Sepelagio, E. G., & Lacia, P. G. F. (2016). Performance of broiler chickens fed diets with different levels of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana Linn.) rind powder. NVSU Research Journal, 3(2), 5-20.
Green Office Computer Workstations Using Thin Client Systems
This study was undertaken to configure a convenient Thin Client Computer Workstations to various offices leading to a Green Earth Friendly Computing Environment. Thin client systems are intended for office computing task such as the use of office productivity tools, internet surfing and the likes that does not require powerful / high performance computer workstations.
Using the feasibility research methodology in the conduct of the study, finding shows that using the Thin Client Technology, the power consumption and cost of hardware is lesser than the existing systems used by various offices. It is recommended that Thin Client Systems be used for light application such as Productivity Tools, Web browsing, and other light applications common to offices.
Keywords: thin client technology, green computing, green office
Citation (APA): Directo, D. H. R. (2016). Green office computer workstations using thin client system. NVSU Research Journal, 3(2), 21-25.
Tree Owners’ Characteristics and Practices That Define Timber Form for Gmelina Arborea Roxb.
Gmelina (Gmelina arborea Roxb.) is the most important timber species in Nueva Vizcaya and neighboring provinces in the northern part of the Philippines in terms of current contribution in wood supply and the available timber stocks in almost all lands where people plant trees. However, seeing possible supply problems in the future because the rate of planting is not making up for harvesting, a study that supports tree improvement for increasing wood yield was conducted.
The study presents different tree forms that tree owners may prefer, namely, bole form, presence or absence of upright branches, crown form and branch angle. These tree forms are alternative to the obvious choice of form for timber yield, which is long, straight, and branchless — the form that converts well to lumber. Factors that may affect preferences were also explored. Regeneration techniques, occupation, education, crown diameter, DBH, and silvicultural practices appeared to be associated with the desired timber form of tree owners.
Keywords: Gmelina arborea, silviculture, tree form, tree improvement
Citation (APA): Vallesteros, S. F. (2016). Tree owners’ characteristics and practices that define timber form for Gmelina arborea Roxb. NVSU Research Journal, 3(2), 26-38.
Vulnerability Assessment of People’s Livelihood in Quirino: It’s Implication on Adaptation to Climate Change
Quirino province’s economy is largely dependent on agriculture. The extended wet and dry seasons experienced by the local community is expected to occur repeatedly in the future, which implies that local people and their livelihoods may continue to become vulnerable to the negative impact of the changing climate. This study was therefore conducted to determine the livelihood vulnerability of farming communities across the five livelihood asset using the LVI and IPCC-VI method and develop a livelihood vulnerability map for the study area. Key informants interview were also undertaken to validate data gathered from the survey. A total of 139 farmers from barangays of Liwayway in the municipality of Diffun, Villamor in Cabarroguis, Tres Reyes in Saguday, Dumabato Norte in Maddela and San Ramos in Nagtipunan, served as respondents of the study. This study employed descriptive method using survey questionnaire to gather the necessary data. The Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) using multiple indicators and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – Vulnerability Index (IPCC-VI) were used in determining the livelihood vulnerability index of the respondents. The LVI and IPCC-VI results are consistent, showing the farming communities under study, are moderately vulnerable to the impact of the changing climate. Human, natural, social, physical and financial assets may be enhanced to improve the local farmers’ capacity to recover from the negative impact of climate change. The development of livelihood vulnerability index map could provide helpful information on local planners and decision makers in planning appropriate projects and programs for adaptation.
Keywords: climate variability, livelihood, livelihood assets, vulnerability index
Citation (APA): Carig, J. G. & Carig, E. T. (2016). Vulnerability assessment of people’s livelihood in Quirino: It’s implication on adaptation to climate change. NVSU Research Journal, 3(2), 39-53.
NVSU VOIP: A Mean Opinion Score (Mos) Assessment
Subjective listening test is one of the most reliable and definitive way of assessing the effectiveness of Voice over Internet Protocol Technology. One of the various ways to assess VoIP is the Mean Opinion Test (MOS Test). This study aimed to measure the MOS Score of the implemented VoIP system in Nueva Vizcaya State University – Bambang Campus. The study utilized the descriptive method of research to verify theories that refers to the present situation. The proponent used several techniques such as the use of questionnaires, interview, observation, and a rubric to gathering facts and information.
The study shows that the call quality produced by the implemented VoIP system is comparable to the quality produced by traditional telephone and cellular phone system having an average MOS mean of 4.49 which is slightly higher that the industry standard. It is therefore recommended to fully implement such technology to various offices of the university to minimize the subscription of telephone lines and maximize existing telephone systems.
Keywords: MOS Test, VoIP, subjective listening test
Citation (APA): Directo, D. H. R. (2016). NVSU VoIP: A mean opinion score (MOS) assessment. NVSU Research Journal, 3(2), 52-64.
Estimating Soil Loss in Upland Corn Production Using the Swat Model
Soil erosion is a common problem worldwide. There are lots of models developed to estimate soil loss; however, most of them are location specific. The study assessed the adaptability of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for estimating soil losses under different slopes and management practices in upland corn production from January 2015 to December 2016. The study included establishment of erosion plots with three management practices (as treatments) to include: T1 (conventional tillage), T2 (minimum tillage) and T3 (minimum tillage + hedgerow). The portable Automatic Weather Station (AWS) was also installed in the area to record the amount of rainfall. The coefficient of determination was used to compare the measured and simulated data while the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency was used for determining the adaptability of the model. Sensitivity analysis of scenarios for various slopes and management practices were also done. The 86.95% coefficient of determination and 0.81 Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency revealed the statistical acceptability of the SWAT model. Results also have showed that a substantial reduction in annual soil loss of up to 40% and 27% is achieved when minimal tillage and minimum tillage plus hedgerows, respectively are performed in contrast with traditional tillage practices. Highest yield was observed in the treatment minimum tillage plus hedgerows. The findings of the study can be used in the formation of policies and decision-making support mechanisms for the conservation and utilization of agricultural resources for improved and sustainable corn farming in the upland areas of Quirino, Philippines.
Keywords: estimation, soil loss, SWAT, upland agriculture
Citation (APA): Naval, R. C. & Carig, E. T. (2016). Estimation, soil loss, SWAT, upland agriculture. NVSU Research Journal, 3(2), 58-65.