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College of Veterinary Medicine (cvm)

In SY 1983-1984, the Bachelor in Animal Science, a ladderized course leading to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) was offered under the Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, of the then Nueva Vizcaya State Institute of Technology, now the Nueva Vizcaya State University during the time of then President Teodoro Irabagon. However, it was only in School Year 2006-2007, when the last two years of the program was implemented during the time of President Marilou G. Abon by virtue of BOR Resolution No. 148 series of 2006 under the College of Agriculture and the creation of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, with Dr. Liberty G. Torres as Dean and Dr. Peirre Leo T. Ducusin as the first chairperson of the Department. The first batch of DVM students were composed of five students who graduated in April 2008.

In November 2011, the program was visited by a joint team from the Technical Committee on Veterinary Medicine of the Technical Panel for Agriculture Education; Commission on Higher Education chaired by Dr. Veronica A. Matawaran, Professional Regulation Commission, Board of Veterinary Medicine got the highest rating. In the same year, a new department chair was designated in the person of Dr. Haidee E. Torio until 2014.

Finally in SY 2014-2015, the Department of Veterinary Medicine was established as a separate college during the time of President Florentina S. Dumlao (BOR Resolution No. 12-12-358 s. 2013). Dr. Liberty G. Torres was designated as OIC Dean of the new college and concurrently the Dean of the College of Agriculture until June 8, 2015 and was redesignated until First Semester 2017-2018 by President Andres Z. Taguiam. With the establishment of the college, three departments were created: Department of Zootechnics under Dr. Dorothy P. Pagbilao, Department of Paraclinical Sciences chaired by Dr. Ruben P. Soriano and Department of Clinical Sciences under Dr. Haidee E. Torio.

The program was awarded the Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC) in 2016 by CHED through COPC No. 027 s.2016. It is also accredited by AACCUP and awarded Level III Phase II accreditation with a period validity until November 2024.

In January 2021, the college transferred from College of Agriculture building to its new location at the then Old High School Building. In August of the same year, Dr. Haidee E. Torio was designated as Officer-In-Charge of the Office of the Dean after the retirement of Dr. Torres. Before the end of 2021 the newly constructed Clinical Science Building was awarded to the college.

On March 2022, after two years in the pandemic, the college piloted the implementation of the limited face-to-face classes for the Bayombong campus through its DVM Program following the guidelines imposed by CHED and IATF.


A leading university in education, innovation, and sustainable development


We engage. We innovate. We empower.
We transform education by adhering to global standards, and fostering research and innovation for sustainable development.


To establish a broad array of interdisciplinary programs and units to complement or assist in addressing the program’s vision and mission.

Specific Objectives
  1. Produce competent and globally competitive veterinary graduates

  2. Conduct researches responsive to the needs of the animal industry

  3. Generate innovative veterinary technologies that would enhance animal productivity for sustainable development

  4. Enhance local and international linkages

Program Objectives
  1. To educate and produce veterinarian graduates with knowledge and professional skills to be able to carry out duties of safeguarding animal health and welfare, public health, and the environment, and to be capable of utilizing effectively the tools of communication on the pursuit of further knowledge and in information dissemination of such in both local and international setting.

  2. To produce quality graduates with technical know-how, leadership potential and entrepreneurial skills in animal production and technology and in the different disciplines and specializations in veterinary medicine.

  3. To equip students with the knowledge, skills and abilities in animal production, post-harvest handling, inspection and processing of animal products like milk, eggs, meal and meat by-products.

  4. To develop manipulative skills of students through animal production activities and critical thinking through research work in the field of animal science and production and veterinary medicine.

  5. To make students recognize and appreciate the value of animal biodiversity preservation and conservation and the role of animals in sustaining the ecosystem.

  6. To instill in the minds of students the interest in raising animals and the attitude of inquiry, resourcefulness, intelligence and other positive values favourable to the development of a wholesome personality.

Undergraduate Programs
  1. Bachelor in Animal Science

  2. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

    Ladderized program


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College Officials

Haidee E. Torio Associate Professor V

College Dean


Jessica M. Cadoy Associate Professor II

Department Chair, Clinical Sciences


Melvin O. Allama Assistant Professor IV

Department Chair, Zootechnics


Jun-Jun C. Pabilin Assistant Professor I

Department Chair, Paraclinical Sciences

College Professors

Vernadyn A. Morillo Assistant Professor IV


Rembert John G. Gapad Assistant Professor II


Jennifer T. Albano Instructor I


Norin T. Umlano Instructor I


Noreen B. TaynanInstructor I


Reden M. Austria Instructor I

Support Staff

Freddie A. Ojano Farm worker I


Anna Florina W. Pineda College Secretary